Express yourself with "Express JS"

Reading time : 1.5 mins

Express JS or simply known as Express is a Java script based framework for NodeJS. It is mainly used for web application development . Express was initially released in 2010 and has been widely used thereafter . This is also cross platform which means it equally supports all platforms such as Windows,Linux etc.
In my own experience , Express was used to build an API for the back end of a Mobile app based application which made me realize that Node JS could level up thanks to the efficiency of Express.
In applications that use the MEAN Stack which includes Mongo DB, Express, Angular JS and NodeJS , Express takes care of the backend.
Express is minimal as well as flexible that it provides a robust experience for the mobile and web developers.

Express has all been the reason behind the birth of many other Frameworks such as Feathers, ItemsAPI , Keystone JS and the Blueprint etc. They all offer unique experiences for the developers.
