Introducing "Flutter" - the magician

(Reading time : 2.5 min)

If you were in the audience of Google I/O 2017, you may have seen that Google and the developer community introduced an open source application development SDK known as "Flutter". 
Since then it has managed to make headlines in all most all the tech blogs , journals as it gives the ability to make beautiful animations and creative eye catching User Interfaces for mobile applications. 

It is cross platform (equally supports Android, ios and Windows). The most stable release of flutter has been released in March 2018 which indicates that it is still in the making of it's community support.

Flutter as I have been experimenting these days is super cool and is something I recommend for any mobile developer to give a try on .

Flutter is written on top of Dart Code.Dart was also introduced by Google . It is a general purpose language which has now gained ECMA recognition . Dart is widely used with IOT devices,Web application development and Mobile development.

The first version of Flutter was known as "Sky"  and ran only on Android devices . It was introduced in the year 2015.
Flutter basically comprises of 3 features :
The widget collection - has the Material design widgets
The foundation library - contains the basic classes and functions.
The flutter engine which interfaces the SDK with the platform.

I sometimes feel that Flutter is like the competitor that Google came up with to go against Facebook's React Native. React Native has been proven as a good alternative by converting all coding behind the Facebook application and Instagram whereas Flutter as per my knowledge has only been used in applications behind Google's firewalls. Then we have a doubt on how well Flutter will handle a  real time application that needs to cater 100000s of requests in a millisecond ???? This question is open for discussions.

Moreover I feel that , the installation process of Flutter has room for improvement. Currently , it is a procedure which takes alot of time and starts with cloning the files from a Github repository. The language will not be available in your machine if you lose the cloned folder.
I suggest these inconveniences could be minimized if Flutter was introduced to the npm eco system may be ???

Still Flutter is reaching heights as a programming language and I believe in another 2 -3 years of time , all the mobile developers might end up having to switch to Flutter seeing its massive improvements.


  1. A good Writing Yasho! All the best!

  2. Certainly a very informative write-up nangi. All the very best

  3. Well done.. Nicely written. Keep it up


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